
Vernon Park
Gift of Mr. William G. Boardman

In this original map, an area on both sides of University Ave. (now College Ave.) are shown. The area east of University Ave. is bounded on the south by Fourth Ave. (now Manila Ave.), on the north by First Ave. (now Miles St.?) and on the west, probably by what is now part of Mendocino. The area west of University Ave. is bounded on the south by what is now 51st St., on the west by Telegraph Ave., and on the north by what is now Pedestrian Way. The lots are numbered in red ink; names of land holders are supplied in blank ink. The city blocks are outlined in various colors of faded ink. Most of the lots appear to be one-acre areas. Forrest, Hudson, Clifton, and Summer Sts. (now Cavour St.) are also shown.

Used: William F. Boardman

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