
Color Postcards. Description: 88, unused, scenes of Oakland and San Francisco Bay Area. a. 14th St. at Broadway, Oakland b,c. Downtown,Oakland City hall in background, Oakland d. Yosemite National Park "Wawona" e. Broadway, North from eleventh St., Oakland #01 f. Lake Merritt, Oakland g. "The Heights" Oakland, black and white rural scene h. Feeding Ground at Lake Merritt, Oakland i. Telegraph Ave. Oakland j. Information House for Service men, Oakland k-m. "Greetings from the Golden West" n-r.Oakland City hall & Memorial Plaza, Oakland # Rt. hand corner #251 s-v. Broadway, North from Eleventh St. Oakland (#01 same as e) w,x. San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge & S.F. Skyline y-cc. Telegraph Ave. Oakland (same card as i) dd-ff. San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge, San Francisco at sunset #68 gg-kk. air view of Bay Area #56 ll-pp. Hotel Oakland #08 qq-uu. color postcard "San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge, San Francisco, Golden Gate" vv-yy. "Sequoyah Country Club", postcard, color zz-ddd. City Hall, Oakland eee-iii. San Francisco Overlooking Oakland jjj-nnn. Oakland Regional Station Hospital ooo-sss. San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge, San Francisco at sunset same as dd-ff *68 ttt-xxx. "Greetings from Oakland California" yyy-cccc. air view, Oakland downtown dddd-hhhh. air view of city of Oakland showing San Francisco in back ground
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