
5 in HIGH x 4.25 in WIDE
(12.70 cm HIGH x 10.79 cm WIDE)
Gift of Mrs. Judy Soden

Tel. Main 21, Keep this check for Reference, Sacks will be charged for unless returned. E. F. Hughes, Dealer in Hay, Grain, Wood and Coal. Long tons and special rates to parties wishing coal in bulk. Hay by the car load at lowest cash prices. Corner Eighth and Markey Sts. Oakland, Cal. Salesman: E.F.H., Date: 1/8/06, M. W. W. Baker.(No. 5186) (5186) 1319 Grove. See if amount on back of this bill is same as on this side. 12K well. .60, 1/4 Cord Oak Blot. 3.50, Paid Feb. 3, 1906 E. F. Hughes, per: E.F.H. (Autographic Register Co., 523 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.

Order of wood for burning.

Used: A. W. Baker | E. F. Hughes | Wood | Oakland

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