
7.5 in HIGH x 9.5 in WIDE
(19.05 cm HIGH x 24.13 cm WIDE)
The Oakland Tribune Collection, the Oakland Museum of California. Gift of ANG Newspapers

Tribune caption on the back, Nov. 9, 1933-- "Diagrams superimposed on this air photo of Oakland Municipal airport show how the blind landing, radio-operated system being installed jointly by the Oakland Port Commission and the aeronautics branch of the Department of Commerce, will 'lead' in a pilot, even though the port and the runway is blanketed by dense fog. Oakland airport is the second in the United States to have such a system, the first having been installed at Newark, N.J. Port authorities and officials of the Department of Commerce claim it abolishes dangers of 'fog landings.'" The photo is a very blurry aerial view of the airport with white dotted lines drawn on the photograph showing where these landing beacons were going to go.

Used: Oakland Tribune

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