
Little Ah Sid, The Chinese Kid
27 in|1 in WIDE
(68.58 cm|2.54 cm WIDE)
Gift of Jan Berkefeldt

A: Large sheet of white cloth, printed in black, "Little Ah Sid, The Chinese Kid" showing the back of a Chinese boy. Small red dot printed on the pompon on his hat. B-M: Twelve printed braids to pin at the nape of the neck of the Chinese boy; each braid is printed with a number. B=#4; C=#6; D=#7; E=#8; F=#9; G=#10; H=#11; I=#12; J=#13; K=#16; L=#17; M=#18. The game was played by the donor's mother and uncle when they were children. It is similar in style to Pin the Tail on the Donkey. The object of the game is to pin the Chinese boy's braid in the proper place at the back of his head.

Used: childhood | Game | California | Anti-Chinese propaganda

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