
Veterans for Peace, Inc.
c. 2000
Gift of George Johnson

Gray colored men's t-shirt, extra large with "Veterans For Peace, Inc." printed on the front. A symbol of a dove holding an olive branch appears just under this. Printed on the back of the shirt, "'If we do not speak of it others will surely rewrite the script. Each of the body bags all of the mass graves will be reopened and their contents abracadabraed into a noble cause.'" George Swiers, Vietnam, Veteran. According to pamphlet provided by the donor, "Veterans For Peace is a national organization founded in 1985. It is structured around a national office in Washington Dc and comprised of members across the country organized in chaptes or as at-large members...The organiziation includes men and women veterans from World War Two, Korea, Vietnam and the Gulf War, as well as peacetime veterans. Our collective experience tells us wars are easy to start and hard to stop and that those hurt are often the innocent. Thus, other means of problem solving are necessary." The organization's long term goal is to put an end to war.

Used: Veterans For Peace | Vietnam Veteran

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