Saigon After Dark
7.25 in HIGH x 4.25 in WIDE x .5 in DEEP
(18.41 cm HIGH x 10.79 cm WIDE x 1.27 cm DEEP)
(18.41 cm HIGH x 10.79 cm WIDE x 1.27 cm DEEP)
Gift of Barbara Cohen
A paperback novel titled "Saigon After Dark" by Philip Marnais, published by Macfadden-Bartell Corporation, New York, 1967. 127 pages. Front cover shows a drawing of an American soldier talking to an Asian girl in the street at night; a sign "Bar" is visible behind them. On the cover's left side printed in red: "Senator Fulbright claims" Saigon is a vast American brothel." Dean Rusk denies it. Here then are the fact. Decide for yourself." The back cover has in large letters: "Sin in Saigon...(in samller type) is a heady mixture of Oriental, French and American tastes" and lists bullet points of Vietnamese, French colonialist and American "tastes."
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