The Face of War, Vietnam: the Full Photographic Report
11 in HIGH x 8.5 in WIDE
(27.94 cm HIGH x 21.59 cm WIDE)
(27.94 cm HIGH x 21.59 cm WIDE)
Gift of Barbara Cohen
As written on the first page of the magazine; "This magazine provides the fist comprehensive picture report of that war[Vietnam], a report both shocking and salutary, provocative and profound."
The cover: The photograph on the cover, shows U.S. soldiers, standing in front of American caskets, presumabley some of the first dead American soldiers in the confilct with Vietnam. The title is in bold red and black writing just above the image.
The table of contents:
As it was in the beginning- the French fought a bloody nine-year war against the North Vietnamese, and lost
The Diem Regime
Immolation of the Monks
Vietnam, Win, Lose or Draw
The Face of War- the Soldier
U.S. State Department White Paper
The Face of War- the Civilian
The Top Brass
What the Newspapers Are Saying
The Dissenters
Vietnam: The Pros and Cons
Terror in the Streets
The Turning Point
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