
Vietnam A Thousand Years of Struggle
10.5 in HIGH x 8.25 in WIDE
(26.67 cm HIGH x 20.95 cm WIDE)
Gift of Barbara Cohen

This blue and yellow booklet, printed by the People's Press, gives a historical synopsis of Vietnam's one thousand years of struggle for independance. The booklet was published by an anti-war collective in San Francisco. The table of contents are as follows: Fight and Lose and Fight Again: Vietnamese Heroes, Foreign Invaders Frenschmen, Go Home! The Father of His Country Red Flag, Yellow Star: The Big Powers Battle a Free People How the Grasshopper Defeated the Elephant The Geneva Agreements: the Free Election America Prevented How America Killed Freedom And Resistance Was Born We Interrupt Our Story Special War vs. People's War The Ameican War: How the U.S. Dropped the Offensive and the NLF Picked It Up A Say in the Life of the People's War Linerated Amery, Liberated Lives Loas, Cambodia adn Vietnam: An Indochina War The War is not a Mistake Further Reading
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