
The strip of six repeating stickers is red black and white. On the top of the sticker is the UFW emblem of an Aztec Eagle, below there is a red strip with white writing that reads "BOYCOTT GRAPES!, below which in bold black type reads "BOYCOTT LETTUCE!"

This timeline is taken from the United Farm Workers' Union website (http://www.ufw.org). Its use of passionate descriptive language is evidence of the strong feelings these events evoke among the union membership and leadership.1965 - 1970 THE FIRST GRAPE BOYCOTT In 1965 the NFWA joined the Agricultural Worker's Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO (AWOC) in a successful grape boycott that was to last five years. This boycott was also marked by the Union's first march. Led by Cesar [Chavez] and Larry Itliong of the AWOC, about 70 members started a march from Delano to Sacramento. By the time they arrived in Sacramento their numbers had swelled to 10,000. In August, 1966, the NFWA and AWOC officially joined forces and were renamed the United Farm Workers' Organizing Committee, (UFWOC).On February 15 through March 11, 1968, Cesar Chavez took on a hunger fast for justice.By 1970 the strength of the organization was evident. The boycott was effectively over and many UFW union contracts with growers were being signed.

Picture This Information

This artifact is part of the OMCA's Picture This website. More about the context and history of this artifact is available at Picture This.

About the Picture This web project: California's Perspectives on American History is a resource for teachers and students to learn about the experiences of diverse peoples of California by using primary source images from the Oakland Museum of California's collections. Organized into 11 time periods spanning from pre-1769 to the present, more than 300 photographs, drawings, posters, and prints tell stories from the perspectives of different ethnic groups. Historical contexts are provided to offer a framework of California's role in relation to American history.

The National Archives state that primary sources, "fascinate students because they are real and they are personal: history is humanized through them." Picture This invites students to examine the historical record, encouraging them to connect history with real people and explore how images tell stories and convey historical evidence about the human experience. History becomes more than just a series of facts, dates, and events.      

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