(24.13 cm HIGH x 16.19 cm WIDE x .32 cm DEEP)
This is a publication produced by the Southern Pacific Company of San Francisco to encourage the settlement of California, especially by farmers, "California for the Settler". The cover, front and back, has a full color illustration of a man (a farmer or prospective California framer) in brown pants, white shirt and tan hat (pushed back on his head) holding a blonde child (about 3 years old) dressed in a yellow outfit (dress?/romper?) with red and white check socks and white shoes. Behind them is a vast, California valley with hills and mountains in the distance; immeditaely behind them is a herd of cattle grazing on the lush, green grass. The publication is aimed at encouraging the development of California farms. The many products that are/can be grown in California are highlighted. There's also a section talking about land values, and finally one that talks about the social conditions in California..."The school is not a primitive type, even in remote sections, but is modern and as a rule well housed and provided with competent teachers, graduates of State Normal schools. Teachers in rural districts must hold certificates as high as are held by their fellow workers in the dity department, a statement which is by no means true of all the other states. Dwelling in the country does not deprive you of the best school privileges..." "The two universities are open practically without cost to the youth of California, one of them being the most richly endowed school in the world..." About religion: "Churches are in every community, and you will find horses and carriages around the village churches, and Sunday observed by many just as in the East. Everywhere there is reverent regard for the higher things of life. There is no frontier sentiment. The West is like the East in every essential."
Viewed as "A Land of Promise," the Southern Pacific Company did a hard sell on boosting settlement of California in this publication.
Used: Mark G. Woods | Settler | Advertising | Boosterism