
Laying of the Cornerstone, New Alameda County Court House
9.0 in HIGH x 6.0 in WIDE
(22.86 cm HIGH x 15.24 cm WIDE)
Gift of Mrs. Norma Stanberry

Laying of the Cornerstone, New Alameda County Court House, Saturday, October 12, 1935....Goodhue Printing Company.

This single fold, paper program has a drawing of the Alameda County Court House reproduced on the cover, showing the east side of the building. The Tribune Tower and the Camron Stanford House are also visble in the background of the building. Inside the program lists the members of the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, the Federal Public Works Project No. 2461, data on the building and then, the program for the day. (The site is 200 ft. x 300 ft. The building is 176 Ft. x 244 ft., plus areas and approaches. Contents: 4,000,000 cu. ft. Area in square feet is 235,000 or 5.4 acreas. The ground, first and second floors are 1 acre each. Cost: Contracts awarded, $1,568,873.00; preliminary expenses, $3,764.26; purchase of site, $268,000.00; architecture, engineering, tests, inspection, $145,509.84; contingencies and furnishings, $189,552.90; Total Project: $2,175,700.00.) The program included musical selections by the Oakland Municipal Band and the Aahmes Temple Shrine Band. An invitation by William J. Hamilton, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County, to Earl Earren, Grand Master of Masons in Jurisdiction of California, to lay the cornerstone of the building. The laying of the cornerston done by Earl Warren and the officers of the Grand Lodge, State of California, F.& A.M. An Oration was presented by Albert F. Ross, Grand Orator, Grand Lodge, State of California, F.& A.M. Remarks by William J. McCracken, Mayor of the City of Oakland; Leo J. Rabinowitz, Counsel, Public Works Administration; Lincoln S. Church, Superior Court Judge and President of the Oakland Pioneer Society. Address by Frank F. Merriam, Governor of California. Finally a Benediction by Dr. Harold B. Camp, Acting Grand Chaplain, Grand Lodge, State of California, F.& A.M. The silver trowel used during the event was presented by Sequoia Lodge No. 349, F.& A.M., Oakland, CA. The Committee on Arrangements, listed on the back of the program consisted of the East Bay Masters' & Wardens' Association (F.& A.M.) with Russell C. Horstmann servings as chairman.

Used: Alameda County Court House | Laying of the cornerstone

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