
Untitled (F)
14 in HIGH x 12 in WIDE x 9 in DEEP
(35.56 cm HIGH x 30.48 cm WIDE x 22.86 cm DEEP)
The Ted and Ruth Nash Collection. Art © Artists’ Legacy Foundation/Licensed by VAGA, New York

F (handwritten in black ink onto masking tape removed from bottom of both pieces.)

White glazed sculpture of a composition of animals, a human and other objects. Large piece (A) has a flat flower in front proper right upon with small piece (B) rests. Above flower is a Koala bear next to a football player, both supporting a winged horse or Pegasus. Below football player, laying flat on its side is a squirrel. Smaller piece (B) is composed of a rounded cup or mug with a fish on one side and what appears to be a rattle with a face on the other.

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