
Change We Can Believe In. Obama Presidential Playing Cards
3.5 in HIGH x 2.5 in WIDE
(8.89 cm HIGH x 6.35 cm WIDE)

Vote Obama (on the back of each card in the deck)

Single playing card from the "Obama Presidential Playing Cards" deck. Image in the back of each card in the deck is of Senator Obama on a blue field. Image in the center of the face of each card is framed in a black outlined rectangle. CC: Is the three of hearts and features "Markos Moulitsas, Blogger" wearing pajams and a bathrobe, holding a cup of tea in one hand and a laptop compture in the other "Kossackc Vote Obama."

There is a complete set of playing card (52) along with two Jokers. Markos Moulitsas is the founder of the "Daily Kos" a weblog focusing on "liberal and Democratic Party politics." He's also a weeky columnist for "The Hill," a Washington D.C. newspaper, and a contributing columnist for "Newsweek" magazine. In 2008 he was living in Berkeley, California.

Used: politics | Campaign ~ presidential | Satire | Card game

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