Cheryl and Missy, Washington, D.C.
32.5 in HIGH x 25.75 in WIDE x 0.125 in DEEP
(82.55 cm HIGH x 65.40 cm WIDE x .32 cm DEEP)
(82.55 cm HIGH x 65.40 cm WIDE x .32 cm DEEP)
C: "Cherl / Missy / DC" - handwritten on verso in white crayon
This is a black and white photograph mounted on Masonite that shows two women standing under a traffic light on a street corner in front of a liquor store. The woman at left sits on the base of the traffic light with her arms and legs crossed and carries a large bag on her lap. The woman at right stands with her right arm leaning against the light pole with a pocket book tucked under her left arm. Both women wear long pants and jackets. A "ONE WAY" street sign pointing left is mounted to the traffic light and appears at center in the composition.
© 2024 Oakland Museum of California