
Front of card shows the logo for the Jackson Rancheria Casino & Hotel, which includes an acorn and two feathers in an Indian-inspired motif. Text includes, "Dreamcatcher's Club," "CLASSIC," and the name "PAUL NILSEN." Back side contains a magnetic strip, legal information, and contact information for the casino. Attached to the card is a tightly coiled yellow lanyard so the card may be worn around the user's neck. A yellow clasp, which can be opened and closed by squeezing and is linked to the lanyard and the card by metal loops, shows the casino logo. This card was collected from Paul Nilsen, the father of OMCA history researcher Adam Nilsen. Paul used it at the casino in October 2008 after attending the wedding of his nephew, who was married at the hotel. As a part of the wedding package, all wedding guests were given a $20 introductory gambling credit as a part of the casino's "Dreamcatcher's Club," a frequent gambler program. The card can be inserted into slot machines and other gambling machines, and the card deducts money as the games are played. Each machine gives paper receipts showing winnings from that machine, and these receipts can be cashed in at the end of the gambling session. Paul, not a regular gambler, used the card this one time and ended up with winnings at the end of the night. This card shows elements of appropriation of Indian design and motifs. "Dreamcatchers" are traditionally associated with the Ojibwe culture, not the Me-Wuk Indians whose reservation is home to the casino.

Used: Paul Nilsen | Jackson Rancheria Casino & Hotel | Gambling | Casino

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