(27.94 cm HIGH x 21.59 cm WIDE)
One-sided flier advertising for CaliBaja. Contains mostly text, but also logos representing its certifications, and a map showing the company's location on the California/Mexico border. At the top is a logo for the company and the text "Manufacturing in Mexico Since 1994." Text reads: "Want to Cut Your Production Costs in Half? Sure I do. But how? You can outsource your manufacturing to us. We will duplicate your exact production line in Mexico, with labor rates as low as $2.50 per hour - imagine the savings!" Other promotional text includes: "Where Are We Located? CaliBaja Manufacturing's production facilities are located in Mexicali Mexico, about one mile south of the US border. Unlike Tijuana and other Mexican labor markets, Mexicali has a very low turnover rate, fast turnaround times, and an abundance of skilled workers. Our border crossing times are a fraction of Tijuana's and just as close to California's biggest markets." as well as: "What About My Proprietary Information? As an American owned California company, you can rest assured that you are protected under the jurisdiction of the United States. You will have the exact same legal protection that you enjoy with any of your other domestic suppliers."
Used: CaliBaja Manufacturing Services | Advertisement