One World
24.00 in HIGH x 18.00 in WIDE
(60.96 cm HIGH x 45.72 cm WIDE)
(60.96 cm HIGH x 45.72 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.
Beneath the bottom right corner of the image in reference to it is ""The Peace Train" by Enas, a 14-year-old Palestinian girl." Beneath the main text on the bottom right of the poster is "Hebrew fold song based on Psalm 133:1, from "Spinning Tales, Weaving Hope." (c)1992, New Society Publishers." In the bottom right corner of the poster is "(c)1996 Southern Poverty Law Center."
Poster consists of a full color image and orange and black print on white paper. Image depicts a train full of people, a crowd of people watching the train go by, all holding olive branches and Palestinian flags while doves fly overhead with olive branches in their beaks. Text under image is repeated in Hebrew and English, "Behold how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity" from a Hebrew fold song based on Psalm 133:1. In the top center edge is an image of a globe and the text "One World."
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