
Condemn The Shah's U.S. Visit
Late 20th - Early 21st Century
16.83 in HIGH x 10.82 in WIDE
(42.74 cm HIGH x 27.50 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster has title in orange centered at top "Condemn The Shah's U.S. Visit". Beneath title to the right is a plane with the text "Carter's Human Rights" on the side dropping eight bombs with the following text from left to right: "Helms", "F-16", "Awacs", "CIA", "F-14", "F-18","Sullivan", "Ibex" on the nation of Iran, outlined in orange and filled with black and white faces, vertical and horizontal orange lines, and an extended orange fist. To the left Iran is a circle with a man's face in the middle - the man is wearing a crown that says "CIA" with two circles with dollar signs in them and a central circle with a swastika. Across this forehead is the text "Made In US". Text at the bottom of the poster reads "Shah Is A U.S. Puppet: Down With The Shah" followed by Arabic text and the Iranian Student Association logo. At the bottom right in large letters is the word "Demonstration", beneath which is the text "Wash, D.C. San Francisco Nov. 15 & 16".
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