
Victory is certain
16.00 in HIGH x 21.83 in WIDE
(40.64 cm HIGH x 55.44 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster has a washed out image of the flag of Angola - one red and one black/grey horizontal rectangles with a yellow logo containing a sword, star, and gear-like graphic. In the red portion of the flag is the shadow of a city skyline. The black portion is water in which eight boys lounge with their fingers forming a "V". At the bottom left of the image is the text"co-published by Liberation Support Movement/Inkworks Press" and at the right is "Inkworks: Labor - Donated". Above the flag in a white bar is red text reading "for the future of Africa - Long Live The People's Republic Of Angola!" In a white bar below the flag in black text is a quote "victory is certain!" attributed to M.P.L.A.

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