
Indian Basketweavers
16.5 in HIGH x 10.125 in WIDE
(41.91 cm HIGH x 25.72 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Vertically at the bottom right corner in burnt orange text is the name Lauren Davis and the year ''91. Beneath the photo in a thin white border is the caption at the left in black reading "Marilyn Jarnaghan" and the text "photo by Charles Kennard (c) 1990" at the right, also in black. Centered at the bottom of the poster is the list sof event funders in small black text.

Centered vertically down the middle is a beige color block. Centered at the top of the poster within the beige block is black text reading "a gathering of Northern and Central California Indian basketweavers". Beneath the text, also within the block, is a black and white image of a young girl weaving a basket. Thin white borders enclose the top and bottom of the photo. Centered beneath the photo, within the color block is black text reading "June 29 & 30, 1991 / Mono - Paiute - Washo - Miwok - Wailaki - Pomo - Wappo - Yokuts - Maidu - Wintu - Karuk - Hupa - Yurok / Ya-Ka-Ama / Forestville, California" followed by a contact number. To the left and right of the beige color block are vertical strips of white space, .875" wide. To the right and left of the white color blocks are two, one on each side, vertical strips of a North American Indian pattern in burnt orange with triangles and lines. At the left and right edges of the poster are thin white borders. |
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