
Onjiakiing - From the Earth
18 in HIGH x 24 in WIDE
(45.72 cm HIGH x 60.96 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

There is a printed artist''s signature of "Ken Edwards 2001" below the bottom left corner of the decorated bark. Small, white text in the bottom left corner of the poster reads "Credits: / Published by: The Public Information Office / Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission / Original Art by: Ken Edwards, Colville Confederated Tribes / Poster designed and printed by: Stewart-Taylor / Printing Co., Duluth, MN / Language consultant: Judge Ed. Barber, Lac Courte Oreilles / For information: GLIFWC Public Information Office / P.O. Box 9, Odanah, WI 54861 / Phone: (715) 682-6619, E-mail: [email protected]".

This horizontally-oriented poster has a dark brown border around the outer edge and large, tan text at the top reading "Onjiakiing - From the Earth. An illustration featuring a woman and two children in a forest fills the rest of the page. The woman is pulling a tan rectangle of bark off of a tree. The bark has multi-colored flower decorations on it. One child holds a bark bowl of berries. A person in the background stands among other trees with bark baskets hanging from them. There is a person fishing in a canoe surrounded by grass in the background as well. There is a circular "Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission" logo in the bottom left corner. The logo features a fish, eagle, and deer. |
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