
From BA to GA?
Late 20th Early 21st Century
23.25 in HIGH x 14.5 in WIDE
(59.05 cm HIGH x 36.83 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Bottom right corner: "Labor Donated". | On back: (green sticker) "27".

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a notice for organizing groups to fight unemployment. Poster is divied into three sections. The top section has a young man in a graduation gown and motar board hat and is holding a rolled up diploma. To his left is text that reads: "From BA / To GA?". The middle section is a black and white image of a group of people in line. In the background is a sign that reads: "Employment / Development / Department". The bottom section has text that reads: "Where Will You be In 5 Years? / More and more college graduates are discovering that there are no jobs / available for them. When you are out of work and don''t qualify for unemployment / compensation, General Assistance (G.A.) is what''s left. / For low-paid workers in traditionally low-status jobs, the only way out is to / organize: Domestic workers, Attendant care workers, part-time workers, Service / workers in many fields, unemployed workers, and welfare recipients. C.H.A. is an organ- / izing drive in need of people to volunteer with us and be trained in systematic organizing. / Organize Now - Before You hit the Unemployment Line / California Homemakers Association / Western Service Workers Association". Along the bottom are five boxes with office information for volunteering.
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