
Take It Back
17 in HIGH x 11 in WIDE
(43.18 cm HIGH x 27.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

This poster includes "Take * It * Back" in large text with stars between each word at the top of the page. Below is an image of North America with "Stop F.T.A.A." written inside. Below, South America has text listing "FTAA Summits". There is an image of a woman yelling with fist raised to the left of the continents. Small, black text against white backgrounds along the left side of the paper discuss "NAFTA" and "FTAA (Free Trade Area of / the Americas" and how is "Affects You". A white box along the upper right edge lists types of events taking place in Maimi to protest the November 2003 FTAA summit.
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