
freedom of movement tour
16.375 in HIGH x 23 in WIDE
(41.59 cm HIGH x 58.42 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster has a black background with blue and white text. Blue text at top reads "freedom of movement tour 2003" followed by a long web URL and "a chain of interventions against the globalisation of migration management". At the middle of the poster are three sections of white text with the dates, locations, and details for events in Geneva, Greece, and Italy. The white sections of text continue at the bottom with information for the events in Romania, Poland, and Germany. Between the groupings of text are the locations in blue - "geneva / timisoara / thessaloniki / warsaw/krynki / puglia-salento / cologne". Beneath the names are images of people doing daily activities. At the bottom right of the poster is white text reading "all these events will be interconnected, streamed and enriched by the noborderlab 2003 and the make-world-tour 2003" with each event''s website listed after their name. An image of a white van is at the bottom right corner.
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