
Women have Long Hair and Short Wits
17.00 in HIGH x 11.00 in WIDE
(43.18 cm HIGH x 27.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Bottom left corner has "Copyright (c) 1978 Lucy Picco Simpson. Posters are featured in every issue of Tabs: Aids for Ending Sexism in School, a quarterly journal / 744 Carroll St., #1D, Brooklyn, NY 11215." Printed in tiny black font on the left border is "A.E.: The Bettman Archive, M.S. Sophia Smith Collection. G.S. Culver Pictures. M.M.:Wide World Photos."

Poster shows 6 photographs of important women with a brief summary of their accomplishments. At the top left of the poster is a photo of Margaret Sanger. Printed underneath her photograph is "courageous early 20th-century crusader for women's right to information about birth control." At the top center is a photograph of Margaret Mead. Printed underneath her photograph is "world-reowned anthropologist and scholar; trailblazer in study of sex roles throughout the world." At the top right is a photograph of Eleanor Holmes Norton. Printed underneath her photograph is "first woman to chair US Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, 1977." Printed in brown cursive font in the center of the poster is "Women have Long Hair and Short Wits - ancient Greek proverb." At the bottom left of the poster is a photograph of Gertrude Stein. Printed above her photograph is "noted author and champion of abstract art; major influence in 20th-century art revolution." At the bottom center is a photograph of Barbara Jordan. Printed above her photograph is "skillful Texas legislator and speaker; Member (since 1973), US House of Representatives." At the bottom right is a photograph of Amelia Earhart. Printed above her photograph is "American aviator; first woman to fly Atlantic Ocean alone, 1932; many aviation 'firsts'."
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