Esta es la nueva cancion que he querido que cantemos juntos
c. 1986
24.88 in HIGH x 17.94 in WIDE
(63.18 cm HIGH x 45.56 cm WIDE)
(63.18 cm HIGH x 45.56 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.
"Photography by Richard Khanlian" printed at bottom right.
Black and white poster printed on white paper with an overall plastic textured coating. The page is filled with a photograph of a woman holding a baby on her hip in an outdoor setting. Two children stand next to her. "'Esta es la nueva cancion que he querido que cantemos juntos.' / (This is the new song that I want us to sing together.)" is printed across the image at upper right." In small print at lower right text reads: "from a poem entitled La tierra recobrada, written in 1979 by the Nicaraguan poet, Vidaluz Meneses." Five inset photos of men, women, and children appear in a horizontal band near the bottom of the page. Small text at bottom reads: "The New Mexico Construction Brigade to Nicaragua, 3211 Silver SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 * 505-268-9557."The Construction Brigade was started in 1986, among the organizers was SDS and Weather Underground founder Mark Rudd. [LMC]
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