
(Lyndon Baines Johnson quote)
c. 1968
22 in HIGH x 17 in WIDE
(55.88 cm HIGH x 43.18 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster has a black and white photograph of a man throwing his head back in laughter. The man has on glasses and a light colored shirt. On the right is "There will come a time when the American people will rise up and revolt against the law-breaker in this country." Lyndon Baines Johnson Nov. 3, 1967." President Johnson's remarks at the Swearing In of the Members of the New District of Columbia Council, November 3, 1967. Actual text is: "But the time has come, in my judgment, when the American people are going to rise up in revolt at the lawbreaker in this country." [LMC]
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