
Communication for Liberation: Prints and Posters by Favianna Rodriguez
25.00 in HIGH x 19.00 in WIDE
(63.50 cm HIGH x 48.26 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Bottom center text reads, "Visit Favianna.com and Tumis.com for more information about the artist. Art by Favianna. Handprinted at Taller Tupac Amaru by Jesus Barraza."

Poster has an orange background with dark brown and white text. In the circle is an image of a woman holding her fist in the air. Plant design surrounds the person and stays within the circle. Poster reads, "Communication for Liberation/ Prints & Posters by Favianna Rodriguez." Rest of text provides date and location information for the event.
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