
Everyone Has The Right To Education
20.00 in HIGH x 14.00 in WIDE
(50.80 cm HIGH x 35.56 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Lower left corner has: "Photo Unesco - Eric Schwab".

The upper two thirds of the poster are printed with a black and white photograph of a classroom. The photograph shows a male teacher standing in front of a wide blackboard, with a number of young students seated at desks looking on. At the left side of the photo there are large windows. The bottom of the poster has a white background with text in black: "Everyone Has The Right To Education / Basic to the full development of all other freedoms is your right to / learn. The Declaration stresses the principles that elementary / education should be free and compulsory , that higher training / should be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit, and that / all education should promote understanding and peace among all / peoples.", and in the lower right corner: "10".
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