
Southern Community/Labor Conference for Environmetnal Justice
21.75 in HIGH x 16.875 in WIDE
(55.24 cm HIGH x 42.86 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster has a black and white drawing of toxic waste being dumped into a river. On the river's banks are dead fish, animals and a sign that says "Danger Hazardous Waste Zone." Next to the river is a playground, teepees and people protesting. The protestors are holding signs that say: "Our Schools are our environment end miseducation; Say No to Environmental Racism; End Work Place Hazards and Poisioning; Stop Toxic and Nuclear Dumping on Native American Lands; Pesticides Poison Farm Workers and Consumers." The poster reads from top to bottom, "Southern Community/Labor Conference/ for Environmetnal Justice/ December 4-6, 1992/ At Xaiver University/ in New Orleans/ (On 'Cancer Alley')/ To deal with the threats to our lives where we live, work, and play/ It's a Matter of Life and Death!" Verso has conference program printed with a mailing address to a person in Livermore.
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