
Opuntia: The Colors of California 1996
19.00 in HIGH x 23.75 in WIDE
(48.26 cm HIGH x 60.33 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

The bottom edge center has: "Design: Robert Laird Brown Watercolor Artist: Kristin Otwell Plant shown: Beavertail cactus (Opuntia basilaris) Printed on recycled paper" with a small recycled symbol.

The top of the poster has as reproduction of a watercolor painting of a cactus with broad lobes and small pink flowers. Just below the reproduction is text in pink: "O P U N T I A". The bottom of the poster has a white background. Bottom edge center has text in Green and gray: "The Colors of California 1996 / You can re-create part of the natural California landscape in your garden. Many California native plants, and other beautiful Mediterraean (sic) Zone / plants, need far less water than traditional lawns and gardens. Call EBMUD Water Conservation Office at 510/237-0590 for advice on / non-thirsty plants, or ask your nursery supplier, landscape architect or landscaping contractor." With an EBMUD logo and: "Thirty-eight in a series of posters by the East Bay Municipal Utility District to encourage the wise use and conservation of water.".
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