
Nuremberg Actions
Late 20th - Early 21st Century
18.25 in HIGH x 17.25 in WIDE
(46.35 cm HIGH x 43.81 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Middle of poster depicts two large hands over a railroad track. On the track is a train with a skull and crossbone insignia. Also on the track are two officers dragging an imigrant. To the left and right of the track are soldiers standing in a line. There are two helicopters in the sky. Below this is a large group of citizens protesting with various signs. The signs say: "'We are not worth / more, / They are not worth / less' Brian Wilson", "Stopping / the War / Starts Here", "Peace / In / Central / America", "Isabella Torres 5 yrs old / Killed by Contras - U.S. $", and "Peace / Begins / With / Each / Of Us". Bottom of poster has: "Nuremberg Actions" printed in large green letters. Below this is: "Join the 24 Hour A Day Vigil At The Concord Naval Weapons Station" printed in white. Around the border of the top of the poster is: "No Death Trains No Death Squads" printed in white. (These words repeat themselves as they surround the top of the poster.
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