Linden; San Francisco; Chatfield
Seven (7) butterflies in a Riker Mount which is a thin, glass-topped, cotton-filled exhibition case. They range in size from 1 1/2 x 1 5/8 to 1 1/4 x 1 3/8. Forewing with 2 orange cell bars and 2 eyespots; part of white subapical band appears in the largest, lower eyespot. Hindwing has 2 eyespots; upper one is largest and contains a magenta crescent. The top two and the bottom two are male. The rest are female. Verso: A dark pink stamp that has a box with the following information inside: "Collection of Clay Ward Inglewood-California NAME [line] on DATE [line] LOCATION [line]" In black handwritten ink on the NAME line: "Junonia coenia" In black handwritten ink on the DATE line: "Sept. 1930" In black handwritten ink on the LOCATION line:"Linden Ala." In handwritten black ink "The Buckeye". Male and Female symbols are stamped below in pink that correspond to the butterflies on recto. Additional text below: [male symbol]11-3-29 [female symbol] 11-3-29 [male symbol] [female symbol] San Francisco, Calif. [female symbol] 5-24-33 Chatfield, Texas [male symbol] [male symbol]