
Collection Date: September 2, 1933 (Adamstown); June 28, 1936 (Huntington Lake)
7 in HIGH x 5 in WIDE x 0.6875 DEEP
Berks County, PA/Lancaster County, PA; Fresno Co.

Adamstown; Huntington Lake

Gift of the Walt Disney Family Foundation

Six (6) butterfly in a Riker Mount which is a thin, glass-topped, cotton-filled exhibition case. Top three have upper side orange with black markings. Underside of hindwing with rows of metallic silver spots; postmedian spots small and black. Bottom three have forewings squared off below tip. Upper side orange-red with heavy black markings. Underside of hindwing patterned with orange and purple-brown; off-white basal patch. These range in size from 1 x 1 to 1 x 1 5/8. They are arranged in three columns and the butterflies in the second column are folded. Verso from left to right and top to bottom: "Brenthis myrina 9-2-33 Adamstown P. The Silver-bordered Fritillary [female symbol] [male symbol] Brenthis epithore 6-28-36 Huntington Lake Fresno Co. Calif. The Western Meadow Fritillary"

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