
Collection Date: March 16, 1935
7 in HIGH x 5.125 in WIDE x 0.875 in DEEP
Los Angeles Co.

Griffith Park

Gift of the Walt Disney Family Foundation

Five (5) butterfly in a Riker Mount which is a thin, glass-topped, cotton-filled exhibition case. These range in size from 5/8 x 5/8 to 5/8 x 1 3/8. Upperside is checkered with bright orange-brown and black; median band is slightly lighter. Underside of hindwing has pearly white spots. Verso: A dark pink stamp that has a box with the following information inside: "Collection of Clay Ward Inglewood-California NAME [line] on DATE [line] LOCATION [line]" In black handwritten ink on the NAME line: "Meitae gabbii" In black handwritten ink on the DATE line: "MArch 16, 1935" In black handwritten ink on the LOCATION line:"Griffith Park, Calif. "  In handwritten black ink "Gabb's Checkerspot"

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