(21.59 cm HIGH x 15.87 cm WIDE x 5.08 cm DEEP)
Object: Five books. Noticia de la California, Vols. I to III, by Father Miguel Venegas, S.M. (Vol I=a, Vol II=b, Vol III=c) A Natural and Civil History of California, Vols. I and II, by Miguel Venegas, translated into English from Spanish.Books (Vol I=d, Vol II=e) . Description: Title: Noticia de la California; A Natural and Civil History of California .... London, 1759 From the History Information Station History: Noticia de las California (News of California) was published in Madrid in 1757. It is a history of California in which the author gives reasons for the occupation of Alta California. It is the first book to be written entirely about California. A Natural and Civil History of California was published two years later in London. Museum Purchase The Printed Word Books, manuscripts, and printing presses were instruments for the transmission of Spanish culture to the colonies. By 1584, there were several presses in the Spanish Colony at Lima in South America. In 1761, there were already six printing presses in Mexico City, one of which could print Greek and Hebrew. Books were so valued that they were exempt from all duties and taxes. Texts in physics and mathematics, theology, philosophy, history, the Classics, poetry, and romances of chivalry were shipped in great quantities from Spain every year. In 1601, a single dealer alone shipped 10,000 books from Spain to Mexico.