
Grand auction sale of 150 large residence lots being a portion of the well-known Vicente Peralta Reservation Tract...
Gift of Mr. William G. Boardman

The area shown on the map of the verso of this leaflet is that which is contained within the acute angle of the congruence of Claremont and Telegraph Aves. Lots are shown on Claremeont Ave., Ayala Ave., Vicente Ave, Shasta, Sutter, and Telegraph Ave. Cobb & Co. are shown to be the real estate agents and general auctioneers, and H. Kirkaldie and H. Cordes are also listed as agents. "Cable R.R. on Grove Street in immediate vicinity. School facilities unsurpassed by any in the county; the new and elegant Peralta School House is within 5 minutes walk of the entire Tract..."

Used: William F. Boardman

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