photograph. Description: 185 Photographs,about the San Francisco Port of Embarkation and the Oakland Army Base, From 1920. Mostly 1960's and 1970's.
U.S. Army photograph. BARG No. 19 (Barge, amphibious resupply cargo) at Oakland Army Terminal, built at El Segundo, Calif., by the Transval Electronic Corp., on a TC contract calling for six Barcs. The Army Transportation Corps will put it through tests before acceptance from the builders. It was commercially towed from Southern California. Dimensions: 62 ft. long; 26 ft. wide; 19 1/2 ft. above road. In an emergency it can carry 100 tons of cargo, or 200 soldiers, but its normal capacity is 60 tons or 125 troops. It is powered by 4-200 horsepower diesel General Motors engines. Its four wheels are 9 1/2 ft. in diameter. Maximum land speed 15 miles and water speed 7 knots. It weighs 97 tons empty. When in water the engines drive two 4 ft. propellers. Nineteen have been built, but this is the only one probably on the Pacific Coast. It will be housed at Oakland Army Terminal, in charge of the Terminal Equipment Division, pending transfer to the 14th Transportation Platoon (BARC) of USATTCP for training purposes. The platoon will be stationed at Ford Ord, Calif. 21 Mar 61.
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