Skirt and Coat. Description: Chinese skirt and coat: A: skirt, black, wrap around, on a blue cotton band with white tape ties; skirt decorated with black silk satin applique bands and groups of pleats (stitched on the inside). B: quilted blue damask coat, side closure on right; decorated with brocaded ribbon and bands of black silk satin appliqued at neck, down front, around bottom annd embellishing side slits; white silk satin sleeve bands of figures ( harmonizing-not identical bands), plats, flowers done in embroidery- mostly forbidden stitch--some satin stitch and couching. Lined in cotton. Condition very good. History: This costume was brought to Calif. by donor's Aunt's second husband who was a missionary in China and fled at the time of The Boxer Rebellion. Beautifully made. (Joan Severa, 3/3/1994)
Used: adult | Female