Pin and box. Description: a.) Box top - Rectangular cardboard, the exterior of which is covered with beige and green patterned woven fabric. At one shorter end both corners are slit and broken. The inner layers of the box are visible and are layers of brown cardboard. These layers are covered at the interior by a layer of much whiter cardboard. Around each inner edge is a tattered band of yellowed paper. The exterior top is raised slightly in a rectangular shape in the center. A folded piece of shiny beige tissue paper rests within it. b.) Box bottom - Rectangular cardboard base is covered with very light red paper which overlaps to the underneath bottom. This bottom is covered with white paper. Rising from this base is another rectangle which is covered in a shiny blue satin-like fabric. Sitting on this is an oval ridge with a concave and padded center which is covered in the same blue fabric. the pin rests inside this oval when it is in the box. The fabric is somewhat discolored and there are two tiny holes inside the oval. The oval ridge is also broken in one place. c.) Pin - Of ivory, the base is a solid oval, upon which is carved in relief several types of flowers and leaves, including 4 roses. On the back narrow end is a gold colored loop attached to the ivory by a similar metal pin. On the opposite side are two holes and the remnants of brown glue where the pin must have been attached. Dimensions: a.) 2" long, 1-9/16" wide, and 1-1/8" deep. b.) 2" long, 1-9/16" wide, and 5/8" deep. c.) 1-1/4" long, 1" wide, and 1/2" deep. History: The donor is the daughter-in-law of Emma Morgan North, the sister of architect Julia Morgan.
Used: jewelry
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