
Feb. 1, 1902
7 in HIGH x 8.625 in WIDE
(17.78 cm HIGH x 21.91 cm WIDE)
Gift of Mrs. Judy Soden

Oakland, Cal. Feb 1, 1902. Hugo Abrahamson, President; Henry Abrahamson, Vice-President; Julius Abrahamson, Treasurer. Mrs. A. W. Baker, 585 1/2 23 St. Bought of Abrahamson Bros. incorporated, Importing Retailers, Agents for the Genuine...Hte. Jouvin Kid Gloves; Dry Goods and Millinery, Telephone Main 863, Southeast Corner 13th and Washington, To Bal. Mdse as per Bill Rendered, Jan. 17, Chif. Pleating 1.25, 6 Ruching .75. $2.00. Abrahamson Bros. Paid, Feb. 6, 1902, S.E.Cor.Washington and 13th. Goods Purchased the last Day of Month are Billed the Month following.

Used: Mrs. A. W. Baker | Abrahamson Bros. | Pleating | Ruching

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