
Soul On Ice
8 in HIGH x 5.25 in WIDE x .5 in DEEP
(20.32 cm HIGH x 13.33 cm WIDE x 1.27 cm DEEP)
Gift of Ms. Inez C. Brooks-Myers

Soul On Ice by Eldridge Cleaver. Introduction by Maxwell Geismar... Dell Publishing Co., Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

This copy of "Soul On Ice" by Eldridge Cleaver was acquired to replace a copy of the same book stolen from exhibition in the 20th Century Gallery of the Cowell Hall of California History c. 1992. The Cover of the paperback book has a photographic image of Eldridge Cleaver with prison walls behind him, he is printed in black, the title of the book is in blue. The spine is black with the title in blue and the author in white. The contents are as follow: I. Letters from Prison, On Becoming, Soul on Ice, Four Vignettes -On Watts, -Eyes, -Soul Food, -A Religious Conversion, More or Less, "The Christ" and His Teachings, A Day in Folsom Prison, Initial Reactions on the Assassination of Malcolm X; II. Blood of the Beast, The White Race and Its Heroes, Lazarus, Come Forth, Notes on a Native Son, Rallying Round the Flag, The Black Man's Stake in Vietnam, Domestic Law and International Order: III. Prelude to Love--Three Letters; IV. White Woman, Black Man, The Allegory of the Black Eunuchs, The Primeval Mitosis, Convalescence, To All Black Women, from All Black Men. On the front of the book is a quote by Richard Gilman of The New Republic: "A spiritual and intellectual autobiography that stands at the exact resonant center of the new Negro writing...a book for which we have to make room--but not on the shelves we have already built." Original cost of this book, printed on the cover, $1.95.

Used: Eldridge Cleaver

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