(21.59 cm WIDE)
"The Family Store" was a short lived catalogue published by Edwin A. Kartman, Bonnie J. Fancher and Peter E. Sears in 1968-69; they are featured in the photographic image on the cover L-R, Bonnie Fancher, Peter Sears, and seated Edwin A. Kartman. This is issue #2, dated Spring 1969. The catalogue (which was mentioned in the "Whole Earth Catalog") focused on food, services, crafts, secondhand articles (mostly clothing), records, potpourri, general store, clothing, etc. offered by "People who won't burn you." The staff (publishers of the catalogue) visited each establishment themselves to review the shop and the products and/or services and the charges. Photographic image on page 36, by Connie Beeson, shows a scene on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley with Edwin A. Kartman is looking at items being sold by street vendors (he is second standing figure from the left - first figure has on jeans and a white shirt, Kartman is wearing tan colored trousers, dark shirt and medium toned jacket, with a -- protest?-- button on the proper left side, near his collar). Some of the vendors listed included: Anneberg Gallery, Bizarre Bazaar, City Lights, Cody's Books, Dead Cow (leather goods and supplies), Dharma Trading Co., Egg Shop and Apple Press, Food Mill, Freight & Salvage, Good Karma Cafe, Human Kindness, Independent Mexico City Cafe, Job Generation, KPFA FM, Leopold's Records, Magnolia Thunderpussy's Head Kitchen, Moe's Books, Navajo Arts & Crafts Guild, Noh Directions Press, The Occult Shop, Paisley Penguin, Raza Power Company, Sandals Unlimited, Sundance Incense, Trident, Underground Construction Co., Village Variety, Whole Earth Access Co., Yukon (hunter-trapper, handy man). This partial listing of the vendors gives one a sense of the era: the mix of cultures, the irreverent attitude toward the "establishment", the mix of social, economic and political protest, and the diversity and energy in the business community. Publication is 42 pages long, including both covers.
Used: advertising | Shopping | Social protest | Hippie style