

The black and white button reads, in psyechadelic writing, End Mass Murder in Vietnam, April 15th, New York- San Francisco.


The white button has a drawing of a fist holding dog-tags, below which is written FTA (Fuck the Army), all in blue.


The blue button has a drawing of a fist holding dog-tags, below which is written SOS (Stop Our Ships).


The blue button reads, in white writin, FREE SPEECH F.S.M.


The white button shows two hands breaking a large gun, underneath which is written, War Resisters League.


The brown button reads Meredith Mississippi March for Freedom, June 1966 in black, with a drawing of the state of Mississippi.

1967|c. 1967

The blue button has yellow writing that reads: Smper Fi Lives! Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, GI Resistance, and has a large peace sign in the center with a sword and dove behind it.


The black and white button reads: Memorial Day, USA 1967 Vietnam: Our Boys Are Dying In Vain.


The white button reads in large red type- Beat the Draft!, in smaller blue type it reads, Wanna stay healthy? Keep your windows closed and install weather stripping today!


The red button has a drawing of a fist holding a chain, above which is written Soledad Brothers


a white button with red writing: "Pete Stark for Congress"


White button with blue writing- "Opening Day May 21, 1973" along the circumference, in the middle: "Oakland-Concord Line. 'I Was There' BART {written above the BART logo- ba)"

White button with blue writing: "San Francsico Special Olympics" around the circumference. In the middle of the button is an abstract drawing of a person with six arms. The Special Olympics is...

White button with GOOD NEWS! typed in black. Possibly a play on words, refering to good newpaper work, i.e. journalism or photography.

day-glo orange with black text reading "Down With the Coronation"


a round button, brown and kakhi, shows the face of a coyote in the center, above the head in dark brown type reads "Coyote" below, "A Loose Woman's Organization" Under edge: c 1973 Margo St....


round orange button, with brown writting "Hayakawa for US Senator" with a Tam O'Shanter in the center.

late 20th c.

large round, yellow button with blue writing: "North of Market Senior Organization" along the circumfrence, "Seniors Unite" very large and in the middle.


round yellow button with blue writing: "why litter" and a cartoon drawing of a workman sweeping up litter into a trash can.

Yellow and white button with Photographer typped on the bottom, in the center is a clear space in which a brown piece of paper, reading Buck Joseph, has been placed. This is most likely a press...


Political pin used in Paul Nave's gubernatorial campaign during the 2003 California Gubernatorial Recall Election. Depicts Paul Nave in center, wearing 4 championship belts, 3 on his...


Political pin used in Paul Nave's gubernatorial campaign during the 2003 California Gubernatorial Recall Election. Depicts Paul Nave in center, wearing 4 championship belts, 3 on his...


Description: Political pin. Black text on red background reads, "Vote No on Recall, Sproul www.sproulforgovernor, for...

Round button, red, white & blue: the circumference is a red border, with writing in white "Together for Your Security," in the middle is a white circle with a blue flag which bears the AFL-CIO...

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