
untitled (clay rotary cutting tool used by Viola Frey)
mid 20th century to early 21st century

This is a rotary cutting tool used by Viola Frey when working with clay. The tool has ten discs, which are surrounded by a curved rectangular piece of metal with slots for the blades. The turned...

untitled (two-sided grater used by Viola Frey)
mid 20th century to early 21st century

This is a two-sided grater used by Viola Frey when working with clay. The metal tool has a flat handle that has two rectangular pieces of metal at each end with multiple holes punched in a grid...

untitled (Raphael fan brush used by Viola Frey)
late 20th century to early 21st century

This is a Raphaユl brand size 12 fan brush used by Viola Frey when working with clay. The brush has white bristles and a varnished wooden handle. The top of the...

ca. 1876

a=compote; b=lid; There is an identical piece in the OMCA History collection, and the deYoung Museum (in S.F.) #1986.11.1a-b

Oakland Social Security Office

Filed in Lange work print file #38D, with the following title and inscription - in Lange's hand (pencil): June 1938 / Oakland California / Jobless men file claims for unemployment benefits,...

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