prisoner of war


Poster has green leafy foilage bordering the left side and the top edge. From the upper left corner are four rays of red that extend to the bottom and right edge at a diagonal. Following the red...


Newsweek is a weekly news magazine, that covers national and internation topics. This issue includes a special section on the "Legacy of Vietnam," including photographs, the fall of Saigon,...


Article from the Sunday Examiner and Chronicle Parade Magazine, "Lest We Forget," May 30, 1993. It includes the cover page and pages 4 and 5 of the magazine. On the cover the article "Lest We...


Sub-title: The Death Of Joe Hallan, part four of five: "Burned" In Cambodia, Khmer soldiers, things getting shady (CIA)

Cover: Joe Hallen sitting in torn up uniform in from of smoking blue...


Subtitle: The Death of Joe Hallen, part five of five: "Down So Long..." Joe Hallen does not phsically die- he is sent to the brig at Camp Pendelton. Personal interpretation is that he died...


Sub-title: The Punisher Invades, part one: "The Long Sticks" Part one in a two part series, a sniper is ordered to track and kill a VC Sniper, who is infamous , he gets caught, and hangs himself...


The comic book is based on the book by Howard and Phyllis Rutledge, and chronicals Howard Rutledges seven years in a Vietnamese prison camp, and his return to Chrisitanity.

The cover:...


Cover: The Apple Comics sign is in the upper left corner, the POW/MIA sign in the upper right, the price shifts to accomidate the art, from issue to issue. The Title is "The true story of an...


Cover: The Apple Comics sign is in the upper left corner, the POW/MIA sign in the upper right, the price shifts to accomidate the art, from issue to issue. The Title is "The true story of an...


Cover: The Apple Comics sign is in the upper left corner, the POW/MIA sign in the upper right, the price shifts to accomidate the art, from issue to issue. The Title is "The true story of an...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...


PREMIS: The Vietnam Journal is told through the eyes of a journalist who humps the boonies with grunts, and experiences the same things they do. It is thru those experiences that the major...

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