idora park


Envelope reads "Idora park, 1917." Negative shows people gathered around the swimming pool. Only a few people actually in the pool. A man is standing on the diving board about to make his dive...


Envelope reads "Idora park, 1917." Negative shows people gathered around the swimming pool. Appears to be a race going on with one person having just dived into the pool and two others just...


Envelope reads "Idora park, 1917." Negative shows a young woman wearing a swimsuit sitting precariously on a post with her feet stretched over to another post. In the background are a crowd of...


Envelope reads "Idora park, 1917." Negative shows two people racing in a swimming pool.


Envelope reads "Idora park, 1917." Negative shows people gathered around the swimming pool. Some people closer to the pool are wearing swimsuits while those standing further away are more...


Envelope reads "Idora park, 1917." Negative shows a group of young people in an area directly above the mens dressing room entrance. A teenager up in this bleacher area is leaning over the side...


Envelope reads "Idora park, 1917." Negative shows a group of teenage girls sitting on the wall above the mens dressing room entrance. They are all wearing swimsuits and swim caps. One of the...


Envelope reads "Idora park, 1917." Negative shows two children, a boy and a girl, riding on little ponies. A man standing a short distance away is watching them.


Envelope reads "Idora park, 1917." Negative shows children and adults milling around on the grass at the park.


Envelope reads "Idora park, 1917." Negative shows a two women sitting on the ground with two small children sitting nearby playing in the sand. The lower body of a man standing next to them is...


Envelope reads "Idora park, 1917." Negative shows a group of men and women standing around and sitting on the ground. Some are watching two men or teenagers wrestling on the ground.


A group of six women bathers, clad in bathing suits, is posed in a line facing the camera on a wooden structure, perhaps a bleacher, at Idora Park. The women at the ends of the line are wearing...

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