offset lithograph

Los Ninos Y Las Minas Del FMLN

Poster has a purple printed background. At the top is "Los Minos Y Las Minas Del FMLN" in red. At the left is a stylized color illustration of two sets of legs - one with two smiling feet and one...

54 Anos Con El Pueblo
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a blue printed background. At the center is a red outline of a star filled with a black and white image of people protesting. Surrounding the star is a repeated, stylized black and...

Monsenor Oscar Arnulfo Romero
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has white unprinted edges enclosing a yellow and red background with a black and white illustration of a priest. At the bottom of the image, a yellow goblet is tipped over, spilling red...

A Defender La Patria

Poster has a brown printed background with a black and white image of a soldier crouching int eh grass holding a gun, with strips of red, white and blue waving behind him. At the top left is "A...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and white photo of a child looking at the camera as his/her mother holds him/her and laughs toward''s his/her face. At the bottom left is "No more U.S. war aid to El Salvador"...

Quien Puede Negarlo?
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black printed background. At the top is "?Quien Puede Negarlo?" in white followed by two black and white images of a man - one of the man in sunglasses and a hat walking in front fo a...

Combatir Hasta Vencer Por La Revolucion Y La Paz

Poster has a red printed background with a central stylized outline of El Salvador, filled with a yellow and black image of people firing guns. At the top right is "Combatir Hasta Vencer / Por La...

Vivos Los Queremos!
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a gray printed background. At the top is "...vivos los queremos! / por la libertad, la justicia y / la paz en El Salvador!" in red, followed by a black and white close up photo of a...

untitled (tryptic)
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black printed background with a color photo of a folding tryptic showing religious scenes. At the bottom is "ASTAC, 15 Anos Contribuyendo al Desarrollo Cultural" in yellow.

Semana de Accion Global

Poster has a red printed background. At the top is a stylized, multicolor image of a tall ear of corn growing from the surface of the world, with people tending to it. The base of the plant has a...


Poster has a black printed background with a color photo of mountains at the top. Text at the top of the poster reads "Tz''unun ya'' / Centro Cultural Comunitario / memorias del paisaje, / cultura...

IV Congreso Continental

Poster has a blue printed background. At the top is a red strip with a logo at the left and "Coordinadora Latinoamerica de Organizaciones del Campo / CLOC" in white. Below the red are strips of...

Los Tratados de Libre Comercio
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a blue printed background. At the top is "Los Tratados de Libre Comercio / empobreseran mas / a Guatemala" in yellow, orange and green. At the center is a multicolor stylized...

Accion Sindical

Poster has yellow printed edges enclosing a stylized image of a line of people marching down a city street carrying a banner that reads "Dia Internacional De Accion Del Transporte Por Carpetera /...

Consejos De Desarrollo Urbano Y Rural
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a green printed background. At the top is "Consejos De Desarrollo / Urbano Y Rural" in blue and ")Art. 225 de la Constitucion de la Republica/Decreto 52-87)" in black. At the center are...

Ejerce tu ciudadania
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has white unprinted edges enclosing a blue background with a central multicolor image of people crowded in front of a building. At the top of the poster is "Ejerce tu ciudadania" in blue....

Que Gana Guatemala con el Tratado de Libre Comercia
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a beige printed background. Across the top is "Que Gana Guatemala con el Tratado de Libre Comercia?" in purple. At the left is the shape of Guatemala filled with images of a rainforest...


Poster has a black printed background with a central color image of a skull with a number marker and arrow next to it. At the bottom left of the image is "1981-1983" in white in a red strip. At...

El Convenio 169
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a red printed background that looks like a textile or weaving. Across the top is a blue strip with "el convenio 169" in red and yellow. At the left are color photos of people - a man...

La Dsciriminacion
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a woven mat background with photos of people from all over Central and/or South America. At the top is purple and red Spanish text. Below the images is a red strip with "La...


Poster has a brown printed background with a white and pink image of flowers. At the top left is "Chiapas" in pink. At the bottom right is "XXVII Reunion Anual / De La / Sociedad Mexicana / De...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has blue ink printed on off-white paper. At the top is "Participa, No Seas ''Miron''". Below the title is a two columned Spanish poem at the left and a stylized image of a shaking man...

Cese Al Bloque Imperialista

Poster background is black at the left and white at the right. Across the top is "!Cese Al Bloque / Imperialista!" in red followed by a gray, red and white Cuban flag. Below the image is "...


Poster printed on white paper. At the top is "Universidad Autonoma De Baja California" in gray, followed by the uniersity''s initials (UABC) in green, blue, red and yellow. At the bottom of the...

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