

Photo shows a parade taking place on a rainy day in Downtown Oakland turning from Broadway onto 14th ST. Crowds of people are lined up along the parade route, holding umbrellas. A marching band...


Clipping attached to back of photo, "Symbolic of the scene across the Nation at 11a.m. today, when there was a pause in memory of the Armistice of 20 years ago, was this part of Oakland's...


Handwritten on the back of the photo, "Armistice Day Parade." Photo shows a division from the Army carrying their rifles on their shoulders as they march in the parade. Stores such as Bond...


Handwritten on the back, "16th and San Pablo, Sunday Dec 1st." Photo shows a large crowd of people standing on the sidewalk and in the street at 16th and San Pablo. The crowd is a mixed group of...


Handwritten in blue pencil on the back of the photograph, "Freight being brought into Kahn's Sunday Dec. 1st.--Dec. 7, 1946." Photo shows the street corner at Telegraph and 17th St, in Oakland....


A line of protesters has sat down across an unknown street in Oakland to block traffic. Many more demonstrators line the sidewalks, being held back by police officers. Several members of the...


A line of protesters has sat down across an unknown street in Oakland to block traffic. Many more demonstrators line the sidewalks, being held back by police officers. Several members of the...


A crowd of protesters gathers on a sidewalk, evidently to join in song. One man, clad in a trench coat, stands in front of them and directs. Many members of the crowd are wearing peace buttons;...


Portrait of Bobby Seale standing with head bowed in front of a microphone. A large crowd is sitting on bleachers in the background, many of them holding umbrellas. The front of a VW bus is also...


Photo shows an interracial group of picketers in front of the Tribune building. They are holding signs that say "No Material for Vets Homes, Plenty For Knowlands Tower, Why!" "Who Ruptured Our...

WWII Veterans Picket For Housing

Photo shows a protest in front of the Tribune building. The protestors are an interracial group of World War II veterans protesting Senator Knowland's not backing lower income housing in the...


Printed on back of photo: "Gum Lum, the dramatic 165' Golden Dragon is the dramatic finale to the Chinese New Year Parade live on KTVU/Channel 2, Saturday, February 15 from 6-8PM repeated Sunday...


Description: Photo looks down from stands onto the football field at UC Berkeley's stadium. Marching bands cover the field in formations. The stands are nearly filled to capacity.


Description: UC Berkeley class of 1952 graduates sit in chairs on the football field at the school's stadium. The photo is taken from behind where the faculty is sitting. A woman stands at the...


Description: A huge crowd of students rally on the UC Berkeley campus against World War II. There are two anti-war signs reading "Cannon fodder protest" and "V for Vacation." There are many, many...


Description: A huge crowd of students rally on the UC Berkeley campus against war. Some of them hold signs with anti-war statements. There are many, many more men than women in the crowd. They...


Description: A huge crowd of students rally on the UC Brkeley campus in support of Univeristy president Robert Sproul. Many of them carry signs, some of which read, "We howl for Sproul," "Hey...


Depiction: A large crowd marches down a St. Louis street. Some of them carry flags. A couple men in hard hats are walking up the stairs to a home's front lawn where a woman is spraying them with a...


Depiction: A large crowd of men and women of all ages march down a New York street in protest of nuclear missles. Many people carry signs. One banner reads "For our children, for your childre,...


Description: A large crowd gathers on a sidewalk to watch police carry student protestors out of a Berkeley building and into a police paddywagon. There is a bus to carry them as well. Many...


Description: The UC Berkeley Greek Theater is filled with people. There is an orchestra on hand and people in cap and gown. The stage is filled with school officials. There are flags behind them...


Photos show the following: Young men and women are lined up behind a sidewalk railing holding large peace and war protest signs. Signs are handwritten with such quotes as "There will be no peace...


Photograph of Oakland's City Hall Plaza, with crowds of people encircling the grassy area. This was a march protesting the bombing of a church in Birmingham, AL. The crowd is racially mixed....


Photograph of Oakland's City Hall Plaza, with crowds of people encircling the grassy area. This was a march protesting the bombing of a church in Birmingham, AL. The crowd is racially mixed. In...

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